As flash is being permanently removed, any browser supporting flash is also removing its support. Gocators firmware 4.x needs flash to load its user interface on web browsers so with Flash EOL in place, 4.x user interfaces will not load.
One way to load the user interface is to upgrade Gocator firmware to anything above 5.3 version. As the user will not be able to load the interface due to flash blockage, the user can upgrade it by going into the rescue mode. Load the page: http://[sensor-ip]/rescue and this should load a window with an upgrade option. Click on the upgrade and navigate to the .dat file in your PC to upgrade the sensor. Once upgrade is complete, go the IP address of the sensor and it should load with the upgraded firmware.
If the user is unable to upgrade it due to system restrictions, they can follow any of the following methods to load the interface in 4.x firmware versions however, it is recommended to start with Method 2 or Method 3 first. This article provides methods that use an older Adobe Flash Player and Firefox that will enable users to load Flash based Gocator user interface. There are three methods stated in this guide.
Please note that the user needs to disable anti-virus software for Method 2 and Method 3 as it is found that other softwares might interfere or block flash from running. If any software interferes with implementing Method 2 or Method 3, then implement Method 1 as it makes sure that there is no other software blocking Flash on the machine.
- Method 1: Loads flash based user interface on a Virtual Machine. Follow steps 1 to 3(1-10) to implement Method 1.
- Method 2: Loads flash based user interface on any existing computer using FireFox Portable Legacy 68. Follow step 3(1-10)
- Method 3: Loads flash based user interface on any existing computer using FireFox 78.6.1 Follow step 4
- Install Windows 10 on a virtual machine following the steps listed on the guide link ( version used 10.0.19042 ) Steps to install Windows 10 on a virtual machine
- Run Windows 10 on the virtual machine
- Open the link Method 2_Installation Package
- Extract all the files in the in the Flash EOL Installation Package using 7zip Download Link for 7zip
- Install Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition Legacy 68 from the given package Method 2_Installation Package
- Click on ‘Next’ as shown below and choose a location for the installation
- Check Run Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition (Legacy 68) as shown in the image below
- Finish the installation. This will create a Firefox Portable File Folder.
- Copy NPSWF64_32_0_0_371.dll file from the extracted folder to .\FirefoxPortableLegacy68\Data\plugins
- Test if Flash Plugin is working properly by using the link Test Link for Flash Plugin
- Restart Firefox Portable application and go to the URL for the connected Gocator.
- Click on the red panel box on the URL box and click Allow.
- See image below for expected result
- Open the link Method 3_Installation Package
- Run the application Firefox Setup 78.6.1esr from the Installation Package
- Finish the installation and launch the browser
- Install Flashplayer from the installation package. Make sure to check ‘Never check for updates’ during installation
- Finish installation and restart Firefox Portable application and go to the URL for the connected Gocator.
- Click on the red panel box on the URL box and click Allow
- See image below for expected result
- Run the application Firefox Setup 78.6.1esr from the Installation Package
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